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P6.5: Dower, Theresa
Theresa Dower (STScI)
Bernie Shiao (STScI)

Theme: DevOps Practices in Astronomy Software
Title: Automating Multimission Access: rolling out a flexible Virtual Observatory-based infrastructure

As a part of The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes' (MAST) mission to develop and support user-friendly and scientifically useful search tools and foster inter-archive communication and interoperable standards, we integrate International Virtual Observatory (IVOA) standards in our infrastructure. These standard practices allow us to provide layers of simple and complex interfaces supporting both direct scientific research and inter-archive pipeline coordination. Here we discuss an architecture based on Table Access Protocol (TAP) services for MAST holdings, how we are automating the deployment and maintenance of these services to provide more data coverage with modern research software including Astropy, and how we can update these pieces individually to continue meeting unique technological challenges.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P6-5.pdf