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P10.14: Sanguillon, Michele
Michele Sanguillon (LUPM)
Charlotte Vastel (IRAP)
Jean-Michel Glorian (IRAP)

Theme: Databases and Archives: Challenges and Solutions in the Big Data Era
Title: An overview of the OVGSO data centre

The OVGSO (Observatoire Virtuel du Grand Sud-Ouest: is one of the six French Astrophysical Data Center recognized by INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) since 2013. It aims at providing a common environment for all the Astrophysical researches, based on observed/theoretical/modeled data access and tools interoperability. The OVGSO gathers five different themes: Sun-Earth (STORMS:, CLIMSO-DB:, planetary plasmas (CDPP:, interstellar medium (CASSIS:, CADE:, KIDA:, stellar spectra (PolarBase:, Pollux:, high energy astrophysics (SCC-XMM: We will present in the poster the different tools that have been developed and the OV standards and protocols that have been used within this Data Center. For example, spectroscopic observations can be retrieved using SSAP (Single Spectral Access Protocol) to access the IVOA services, to reach some observed data and link them to theoretical atomic and molecular databases such as VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre: using TAP (Table Access Protocol). SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Protocol) is also used to send spectra on the tools developed by OVGSO. The goal of the OVGSO is to share common tools for different thematics in astrophysics for a better use of the astrophysical data. This need has revealed to be crucial with the wealth of high-spatial/ spectral resolution spectra for the past 15 years, with new generation of ground/space-based observatory. Dealing with a large quantity of data leads to optimized tools and a better and common access to the many databases.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P10-14.pdf