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P5.1: Baines, Deborah
Deborah Baines (Quasar Science Resources)
Ignacio de la Calle (Quasar Science Resources)
José María Herrera-Fernández (Quasar Science Resources)
Aitor Ibarra (Quasar Science Resources)
Jesús Salgado (Quasar Science Resources)
Luis Valero-Martin, Quasar Science Resources

Theme: Science Platforms: Tools for Data Discovery and Analysis from Different Angles
Title: DEAVI: Dynamic Evolution Added Value Interface

We present DEAVI, an Added Value Interface (AVI) to manage and exploit data from the ESA missions Gaia and Herschel. AVIs are software packages that provide scientists with the mechanisms to submit their own code to be executed close to the ESA mission archives. GAIA AVIs are deployed at the Gaia Added Value Interface Platform (GAVIP), a Python-based platform designed and developed by ESA and hosted at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC). The proposed AVI is part of the software package being developed by Quasar Science Resources for the StarFormMapper (SFM): A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters project, funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P5-1.pdf