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P6.10: Perez, Fernando
Fernando Perez Lopez (ESAC)
Vicente Navarro (ESAC)
Kaarel Hanson (CGI Finland)
Kaarel Lumi (CGI, Finland)
Henri Liiva (CGI, Finland)

Theme: DevOps Practices in Astronomy Software
Title: Centralisation and management of science operations procedures and test cases using SOCCI

The Science Operations Configuration Control Infrastructure (SOCCI) is a single, highly customizable platform for system engineering, providing tools and guidelines for: requirement management, problem and change management, test management, project and document management, source version control and continuous integration. This infrastructure provides support the software development and maintenance processes of SCI-O Science Operations units at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC). SOCCI reduces effort and knowledge to setup & maintain the Systems Engineering Environment (SEE) and supports the users by providing guidelines and good practices learnt from previous experiences. The development of SOCCI started in 2014 and it is being operationally used from June 2017. However, the range of functionalities already covered by SOCCI have been recently extended through SOCCI Evolution and SOCCI Test Framework projects. This paper describes the design, implementation and use of SOCCI for two major new functionalities: the operational procedures management and documentation including their scheduling and automatic execution; and the testing automation including the importing and exporting of test results from external test tools.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P6-10.pdf