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P3.2: Becciani, Ugo
Ugo Becciani (INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Fabio Vitello (INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Eva Sciacca (INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Alessandro Costa (INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Simone Riggi (INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Sergio Molinari, INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

Theme: Astrophysical Data Visualization from Line Plots to Augmented and Virtual Reality
Title: VisIVO Visual Analytics Tool an EOSC Science Demonstrator for data discovery

VisIVO is an integrated suite of tools and services for data discovery that include collaborative portals, mobile applications, visual analytics tool and a number of key components such as workflow applications, analysis and data mining functionalities. Space missions and ground-based facilities produce massive volumes of data and the ability to collect and store them is increasing at a higher pace than the ability to analyze them. This gap leads to new challenges in the analysis pipeline to discover information contained in the data. VisIVO Visual analytics tool for star formation regions focuses on handling these massive and heterogeneous volumes of information accessing the data previously processed by data mining algorithms and advanced analysis techniques with highly interactive visual interfaces offering scientists the opportunity for in-depth understanding of massive, noisy, and high-dimensional data. The aforementioned challenges demands an increasing archiving and computing resources as well as a federated and interoperable virtual environment enabling collaboration and re-use of data and knowledge. Thus, the connection with the European Open Science Cloud is being investigated exploiting the EGI services such as the Check-in (for federated authentication and authorization) and the Federated Cloud (for analysis and archiving services). Recently the VisIVO development has been exploited for the experimentation of cutting-edge interactive visualization technologies for the improvement of teaching and scientific dissemination. This work is being carried out as a knowledge transfer from astrophysical sciences to geological sciences in the context of an international collaboration to innovate teaching, learning and dissemination of earth sciences, using virtual reality.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P3-2.pdf