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P3.3: Grishin, Kirill
Kirill Grishin (Department of Physics, Moscow State University; Sternberg Astronomical Institute)
Igor Chilingarian (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; Sternberg Astronomical Institute)
Ivan Katkov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute)
Ivan Zolotukhin (Sternberg Astronomical Institute; Universit ́e de Toulouse; UPS-OMP, IRAP)

Evgeniy V. Rubtsov, Department of Physics, Moscow State University;Sternberg Astronomical Institute Svyatoslav Borisov, Department of Physics, Moscow State University;Sternberg Astronomical Institute

Theme: Astrophysical Data Visualization from Line Plots to Augmented and Virtual Reality
Title: Open-source web tools for spectroscopic and imaging data visualization for the VOXAstro initiative

VOXAstro stands for Virtual Observatory tools for eXtragalactic Astrophysics. This initiative includes several projects such as Reference Catalog of Spectral Energy Distribution (RCSED; and Las-Campanas Stellar Library. Here we present a set of flexible open-source tools for visualization of spectral and imaging data. Using web-visualisation libraries FlotJS and Dash we developed interactive viewers for displaying low- and high-resolution spectra of stars and galaxies, which allow one to view spectra having resolution up to R=80000 without putting a significant load on server and client sides, which is achieved by choosing the adaptive spectral binning window and dynamically preloading the datasets. We implemented a number of additional features like multiple spectra display, output of header info (e.g. stellar atmospheric parameters or stellar population properties of galaxies), display of emission lines decomposition parameters (fluxes, widths etc.) The spectral viewers can be easily embedded into any archive or database web-site. We also present a cutout service that extracts data on the fly from the UKIDSS near-infrared imaging survey and generates colour composite RGB stamps, which we use, e.g. in the RCSED web-site as an embedded service. The service is built using Astropy python library and uses IVOA SIAP to access images, which it then cutouts on the fly. In the coming years we plan to expand the capabilities of our spectroscopic and imaging visualization services and use them in future projects within VOXAstro.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P3-3.pdf