Adamek, Karel P8-1 : A GPU implementation of the harmonic sum algorithm
Albert, Kinga P4-1 : Performance analysis of the SO/PHI software framework for on-board data reduction
Alesina, Fabien P3-1 : Exoplanets data visualization in multidimensional plots using virtual reality in DACE
Alexov, Anastasia O2-1 : Hit the Ground Running: Data Management for JWST
Allen, Alice O13-1 : Receiving Credit for Research Software
Allen, Christopher P4-2 : Optimization of Aperture Photometry in the Chandra Source Catalog
Allen, Mark P2-1 : Toward common solutions for data access, discovery and interoperability
Ansdell, Megan O1-1 : Automatic Classification of Planet Candidates using Deep Learning
Araya, Mauricio P1-1 : Cherenkov Shower Detection Combining Probability Distributions from Convolutional Neural Networks.
Arviset, Christophe P10-1 : ESA Science Archives and ESASky
Asercion, Joseph P4-3 : Utilizing Conda for Fermi Data Analysis Software Releases
Atemkeng, Marcellin P10-2 : Baseline-dependent dimensional reduction techniques for radio interferometric big data compression
Baines, Deborah P5-1 : DEAVI: Dynamic Evolution Added Value Interface
Baumann, Matthieu P5-2 : New Python developments to access CDS services
Becciani, Ugo P3-2 : VisIVO Visual Analytics Tool an EOSC Science Demonstrator for data discovery
Berriman, Bruce P5-3 : Breathing New Life Into An Old Pipeline: Precision Radial Velocity Spectra of TESS Exoplanet Candidates
Blanco-Cuaresma, Sergi P6-1 : Fundamentals of effective cloud management for the new NASA Astrophysics Data System
Boch, Thomas P10-3 : Creating and managing very large HiPS: the PanSTARRS case
Boisson, Catherine P6-2 : Executable user documentation for in-development software
Bonnarel, François O11-3 : ProvTAP: A TAP service for providing IVOA provenance metadata
Borne, Kirk I4-1 : Massive Data Exploration in Astronomy: What Does Cognitive Have To Do With It?
Bosch, James I12-1 : An Overview of the LSST Image Processing Pipelines
Boussejra, Malik Olivier O5-4 : aflak: Pluggable Visual Programming Environment with Quick Feedback Loop Tuned for Multi-Spectral Astrophysical Observations
Brasseur, Clara O10-1 : AstroCut: A cutout service for TESS full-frame image sets
Brown, Matthew P4-4 : Streamlining Pipeline Workflows: Using Python with an Object-Oriented Approach to Consolidate Aggregate Pipeline Processes
Buchschacher, Nicolas O10-3 : No-SQL databases: An efficient way to store and query heterogeneous astronomical data in DACE.
Burnier, Julien P6-3 : Development, tests and deployment of web application in DACE
Bushouse, Howard P12-1 : The JWST Data Calibration Pipeline
Cardiel, Nicolás P11-1 : Rectification and wavelength calibration of EMIR spectroscopic data with Python
Ceballos, M.Teresa P12-2 : Jitter and readout sampling frequency impact on the Athena/X-IFU performance
Chilingarian, Igor P13-1 : Binospec@MMT: a database-driven model of operations, from planning of observations to data reduction and archiving
Chu, Selina P1-21 : Automatic Detection of Microlensing Events in the Galactic Bulge using Machine Learning Techniques
Comrie, Angus O3-2 : An HDF5 Schema for SKA Scale Image Cube Visualization
Coulais, Alain P6-4 : GDL - GNU Data Language 1.0
Crawford, Steven P2-3 : What’s new in Astropy v3.1
Dai, Cong O1-4 : A method to detect radio frequency interference based on convolutional neural networks
da Silva, Daniel P7-2 : CCSDSPy - Convenient Decoding of Binary Spacecraft Telemetry
Delgado, Arancha P5-4 : Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Data Flow
Dencheva, Nadia O12-3 : GWCS - A General Approach to Astronomical World Coordinates
Deshpande, Shubhankar P4-7 : GMRT Archive Processing Project
Diaz, Rosa O11-1 : Adding Science Validation to the JWST Calibration Pipeline.
Donaldson, Tom O5-2 : Astropy and the Virtual Observatory
Dower, Theresa P6-5 : Automating Multimission Access: rolling out a flexible Virtual Observatory-based infrastructure
Dowler, Patrick P10-5 : Archive-2.0: Metadata and Data Synchronisation between MAST, CADC, and ESAC
Dreissigacker, Christoph P1-2 : Deep-Learning Continuous Gravitational Waves
Ebisawa, Ken P9-2 : CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor web-analysis system
Eguchi, Satoshi P8-2 : Prototype Implementation of a Web-Based Gravitational Wave Signal Analyzer: SNEGRAF
Eisenhamer, Jonathan P13-2 : JWST Association Generation: Piecing It All Together
Emonts, Bjorn P5-5 : CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications for Radio Astronomy
Fan, Dongwei P12-3 : A simple survey for cross-matching method
Feinstein, Carlos P12-4 : Extragalactic stellar photometry and the blending problem
Ferguson, Henry P5-6 : Data Analysis Tools for JWST and Beyond
Fernique, Pierre P8-3 : Time in Aladin
Fitzpatrick, Michael O5-1 : The NOAO Data Lab: Design, Capabilities and Community Development
Gabriel, Carlos P13-3 : The COSPAR Capacity Building Initiative: entering a new phase
Geers, Vincent P13-4 : MIRISim: the JWST-MIRI simulator
Giardino, Giovanna P13-5 : Preparing for JWST: a detailed simulation of a MOS deep field with NIRSpec
Gilda, Sankalp O1-3 : Importance of Feature Selection in ML models
Gonzalez-Nuñez, Juan O10-6 : Driving Gaia Science from the ESA Archive: DR2 to DR3
Good, John F4 : Image Processing in Python With Montage
Gordon, Craig P5-7 : The Present State of XSPEC and CFITSIO, Astronomical Analysis Packages Maintained by NASA's HEASARC.
Goz, David P12-5 : Astrophysical codes migration into Exascale Era
Gracia Abril, Gonzalo P2-4 : Gaia DPAC Project Office: Coordinating the production of the largest star catalogue.
Grange, Yan P5-8 : The Dutch contribution to the ESRC
Graves, Sarah O10-7 : Harnessing the power of archival data to increase scientific output: the JCMT experience.
Grishin, Kirill P3-3 : Open-source web tools for spectroscopic and imaging data visualization for the VOXAstro initiative
Guedes dos Santos, Luiz Fernando P1-20 : Analyzing WIND data using machine learning
Guerra Noguero, Rocio I6-1 : DevOps: the perfect ally for Science Operations for a large and distributed astronomy project.
Gupta, Pramod P4-8 : Computational Astrophysics with Go
Gwyn, Stephen P13-6 : MegaPipe 2.0: 10000 square degrees of CFHT MegaCam imaging
He, Helen P12-6 : Pixel mask Filtering of CXC Datamodel
Holman, Matthew I7-1 : The Minor Planet Center Data Processing System
Irby, Bryan P5-9 : HEASOFT: A FITS Data Processing and Analysis Software Suite
Ireland, Jack P7-3 : The SunPy Ecosystem
Iwasaki, Hiroyoshi P1-3 : A new implementation of deep neural network to spatio-spectral analysis in X-ray astronomy
Jenness, Tim P13-7 : Abstracting the storage and retrieval of image data at the LSST
Johnston, Kyle P1-4 : Variable Star Classification Using Multi-View Metric Learning
Joliet, Emmanuel F3 : Visualization in IRSA Services using Firefly
Joncour, Isabelle P1-5 : Multiscale spatial analysis of young stars complex using the dbscan clustering algorithm recursivel
Juric, Mario O8-2 : The ZTF Alert Stream: Lessons from the first six months of operating an LSST precursor
Kaleida, Catherine P4-9 : JWST Data Management Subsystem Operations: Preparing to Receive, Process, and Archive JWST Data
Kaplan, Kyle P12-7 : The algorithms behind the HPF and NEID pipeline
Karim, Ramsey P12-8 : Alpha-X: An Alpha Shape-based Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
Kaufman, Zeke P4-10 : CIAO: A Look Under the Hood of Chandra's X-Ray Imaging and Analysis Software Configuration Management- Past, Present, and Future.
Kawasaki, Wataru P3-5 : Vissage: viewing polarisation data from ALMA
Kelley, Michael P7-4 : ZChecker: Finding Cometary Outbursts with the Zwicky Transient Facility
Kent, Brian I3-2 : 3D Data Visualization in Astrophysics
Kepley, Amanda O12-1 : Auto-multithresh: A General Purpose Automated Masking Algorithm for Clean
Kitaeff, Vyacheslav P4-11 : DALiuGE/CASA based processing for the extragalactic HI observations with FAST.
Kong, Xiao P1-6 : The construction of a new stellar classification template library for the LAMOST 1D Pipeline based on LAMOST DR5
Kosack, Karl P4-12 : Data Processing Challenges for CTA
Kosugi, George P12-9 : Qualification of Sparse Modeling Technique for radio interferometric imaging of ALMA
Kuulkers, Erik I9-1 : Coordinating observations among ground and space-based telescopes in the multi-messenger era
Labrie, Kathleen P11-2 : DRAGONS - Data Reduction for Astronomy from Gemini Observatory North and South
Lacy, Mark P2-6 : The VLA Sky Survey - operations, data processing and archiving
Lammers, Jason P5-10 : Optimization Strategies for running Legacy Codes
Lam, Cheuk Yin O12-4 : Data-Driven Pixelisation with Voronoi Tessellation
Landais, Gilles O11-2 : Quality assurance in the ingestion of data into the CDS VizieR catalogue and data services
Landoni, Marco P6-8 : Application of Google Cloud Platform in Astrophysics
Laurino, Omar P10-6 : Mapping Data Models to VOTable
Lieu, Maggie I1-1 : Deep learning of astronomical features with big data.
Lim, Pey Lian P11-3 : stginga: Ginga Plugins for Data Analysis and Quality Assurance of HST and JWST Science Data
Lin, Ganghua P11-4 : The quality assurance of Chinese solar physics historical observation data archives
Loose, Marcel O6-1 : Agile and DevOps from the trenches at ASTRON
Louys, Mireille P11-5 : A TripleStore implementation of the IVOA Provenance Data model
Lundquist, Michael P9-3 : Searching for Optical Counterparts to Gravitational Wave Events with the Catalina Sky Survey
Lutz, Katharina P13-8 : Getting ready for the fourth Asterics DADI virtual observatory school
Lu, Yuxi P12-10 : Modeling Narrow Rings with a Single Chain of Gravitating Particles
Major, Brian P5-11 : Arcade: A User Focussed, Visual Compute Environment in CANFAR
Martinez, Beatriz O10-4 : Data-driven Space Science at ESA Science Data Centre
McWhirter, Paul Ross P1-9 : Saving endangered animals with Astro-Ecology
Mechev, Alexandar F1 : Building LOFAR As A Service: Processing Petabytes with just a click
Mellado, Pablo P3-6 : Realtime telescope and data visualization using web technologies
Michel, Laurent P13-9 : ALiX: An advanced search interface for AladinLite
Micol, Alberto P10-8 : The new science portal and the programmatic and VO interfaces of the ESO science archive
Million, Chase P8-5 : Evaluating Methods for Flare Detection in GALEX Light Curves
Mink, Jessica P5-13 : Finding Your Place in the Cosmos with WCSTools
Molinaro, Marco P13-10 : Starting up a Data Model for Exoplanetary Data
Momcheva, Ivelina I5-1 : Hubble in the Cloud: A Prototype of a Science Platform at STScI
Morii, Mikio P12-11 : Image reconstruction method for an X-ray telescope with an angular resolution booster
Nakazato, Takeshi O4-2 : New Synthesis Imaging Tool for ALMA based on the Sparse Modeling
Navarro, Vicente P5-14 : ESAC Science Exploitation and Preservation Platform Reference Architecture
Nebot, Ada I8-1 : Data challenges of the VO in Time Domain Astronomy
Nikolic, Bojan O1-2 : Acceleration of Non-Linear Minimisation with PyTorch
Nomaru, Junichi P13-11 : Subaru Telescope Network 5 or STN5 - The new computer and network system at Subaru Telescope
O'Toole, Simon O10-5 : Bringing together the Australian sky - coordination and interoperability challenges of the All-Sky Virtual Observatory
Paillassa, Maxime P1-10 : MaxiMask: Identifying contaminants in astronomical images using convolutional neural networks
Pascual, Sergio P4-13 : Runing GTC data reduction pipelines in Jupyter
Patterson, Gerald P13-12 : Anticipated Data Products from the Europa Imaging System (EIS) on Europa Clipper
Paxson, Charles P6-9 : Transforming Science Code into Maintainable Software, Insights into the G-CLEF Exposure Time Calculator
Perea-Calderon, Jose Vicente P4-14 : Reprocessing all the XMM-Newton scientific data: a challenge for the Pipeline Processing System
Perez, Fernando P6-10 : Centralisation and management of science operations procedures and test cases using SOCCI
Pineau, Francois-Xavier P13-13 : The CDS HEALPix library
Plante, Raymond I11-1 : The BagIt Packaging Standard for Interoperability and Preservation
Polisensky, Emil P10-12 : The VLITE Database Pipeline
Prix, Reinhard P12-12 : Efficient FFT-based $\mathcal{F}$-statistic implementation for continuous-gravitational-wave searches
Racero, Elena O7-1 : ESASky: A New Window for Solar System Data Exploration
Raddick, Michael F2 : SciServer: Collabroative data-driven science
Ramirez, Emanuel O3-3 : Analysis of Astronomical Data using VR: the Gaia catalogue in 3D
Raugh, Anne O7-2 : The PDS Approach to Science Data Quality Assurance
Renil, Rosly P4-15 : MeerKAT: Operational Workflow and Data Analysis
Roby, Trey P3-7 : New visualization Features in Firefly
Romelli, Erik P4-16 : Euclidizing external tools: an example from SDC-IT on how to handle software and humanware
Rubtsov, Evgenii P5-15 : Stellar atmospheric parameters from full spectrum fitting of intermediate and high-resolution spectra against PHOENIX/BT-Settl synthetic stellar atmospheres
Rutkowski, Kristin P13-14 : Science Data Pipeline of NICER
Ryan, P. Wesley P13-15 : Schroedinger’s code: Source code availability and transparency in astrophysics
Salgado, Jesus P10-13 : Gaia DR2 and the Virtual Observatory: VO in operations new era
Sanguillon, Michele P10-14 : An overview of the OVGSO data centre
Santos, Rafael P1-11 : A hybrid neural network approach to estimate galaxy redshifts from multi-band photometric survey.
Schaaff, Andre P1-12 : Chatting with the astronomical data services.
Servillat, Mathieu P11-6 : The IVOA Provenance Data Model
Shen, Robert P5-16 : ASVO MWA project: lower technical barrier to access MWA data
Shin, Min-Su P8-6 : Applications of the in-memory database Redis in processing transient event alerts
Shipman, Russell P13-16 : Pipeline Processing of Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO-2) Galactic Plane Survey
Shirasaki, Yuji P13-17 : VO service in Japan : Registry service based on Apache Solr and SIA v2 service for Japanese Facilities
Smith, Jeffrey O5-3 : Lilith: A Versatile Instrument and All-Sky Simulator for use with Space-Based Astrophysics Observatories
Snyder, Gregory P1-14 : Mock Datasets and Galaxy Merger Statistics from Cosmological Hydro Simulations
Solar, Martin P13-18 : Azimuthal variation of oxygen abundance in galactic stellar discs of the EAGLE simulations
Solar, Mauricio P12-13 : Tensor Clusters for extracting and summarizing components in spectral cubes
Stephens, Tom P13-19 : Running the Fermi Science Tools on Windows
Stoehr, Felix I10-1 : Astronomical archives: Serving up the Universe
Streicher, Ole P11-7 : DOI in Astronomy
Sutrisno, Raymond P1-15 : A Machine Learning Approach to Detect Dark Matter Particles Under Extreme Class Imbalance and Large Datasets
Swade, Daryl P10-15 : The TESS Science Data Archive
Tavagnacco, Daniele O12-2 : Performance-related aspects in the Big Data Astronomy Era: architects in software optimization
Taylor, Mark P3-8 : TOPCAT and Gaia
Teuben, Peter P13-20 : QAC: Quick Array Combinations with CASA
Tian, Fan P12-14 : Robust Registration of Astronomy Catalog
Toledo, Ignacio O4-1 : Data Science =! Software Engineering. Exploring a workflow for ALMA operations.
Tomasi, Maurizio O4-5 : Towards new solutions for scientific computing: the case of Julia
Torres, Simón P4-18 : An on-site data reduction pipeline for the Goodman Spectrograph
Tsutsumi, Takahiro P12-15 : Development of auto-multithresh: an automated masking algorithm for deconvolution in CASA
Vahi, Karan F5 : Workflows Management using Pegasus
Wang, Rui P1-17 : Analysis of Stellar Spectra from LAMOST DR5 with Generative Spectrum Networks
Wicenec, Andreas P10-16 : The Murchison Widefield Array's VO compliant archive
Wise, Michael I2-1 : Establishing the SKA Regional Centre Network: Mesh Management and Culture Change
Woods, Paul P13-21 : Software and data policies for Nature journals
Yamaguchi, Masayuki P13-22 : Super-resolution Imaging of the Protoplanetary Disk HD 142527 using Sparse Modeling
Zapart, Christopher O3-1 : An introduction to FITSWebQL
Zecevic, Petar O10-2 : AXS: Making end-user petascale analyses possible, scalable, and usable